ScienFIST journal is devoted to a wide range of research in the field of Information Technologies, Engineering and Management Science.
Frequency: ScienFIST is published irregularly according to global publication demands of researches. Special issue: Special issues based on specific themes are published at the suggestion of editorial board members. Review process: All articles are reviewed by subject expert before publication. follows strict review process so that only quality research work can be published. Language: English ISSN: 1339-9470 Published by: Millionaire's club (Civil Association) Published in: Žilina, SLOVAKIA
Editorial board
Prof. Ing. Václav Řepa, CSc. Professor at Technical University of Liberec & University of Hradec Králové & University of Pardubice, Czech Republic Professor at Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia doc. Ing. Michal Zábovský, PhD. Research Coordinator, University Science Park, Žilina, Slovakia Ing. Rastislav Neczli, PhD. Executive director of ITMG doc. Ing. Hudec Ján, CSc. Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Some examples of research fields are posted below.
Research fields

Information Technologies & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Mobile Robots, Big Data, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Brain Mapping, Business Intelligence, Computational Biology, Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Computer Science, Computer Systems, Computer Vision, Cryptography, Data Compression, Data Engineering, Data Fusion, Data Mining, Database Engineering, Design of Algorithms, Design of Information Systems, Digital Factory, Experts Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Genomics, Green Energy Engineering, Human–Computer Interaction, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Information Theory, IT Security, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Systems, Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, Numerical Analysis, Object Oriented Programming, Ontologies, Pattern Recognition, Search Engine Design, Simulation, Smart City Engineering, Smart Home Engineering, Soft Computing, Software Engineering, Statistical Techniques, Text Abstraction, Text Mining, Virtual Commissioning, Virtual Reality, Web Intelligence, Management Science Asset Management, Audit Management, Aviation Management, Banking Management, BioTechnology Management, Call Center Management, Construction Management, Co-operative Management, Corporate Training, Cost & Management Accountancy, Database Management, Disaster Management, E-Commerce, Energy Management, Environment Management

Equality Research Management, Export Marketing, Fashion Management, Financial Institution Management, Financial Management, Foreign Trade, Health Care Management, Hospital Management, Hotel Management, Human Resource Management, Interior Management, Investment & Portfolio Management, Knowledge Management, Library Management, Logistics Management, Material Management, Media Management, Networking Management, Office Management, Operations & Production Management, Portfolio Management, Production Management, Project Management, Public Relation Management, Retail Management, Risk Management, SAP Consultancy, School Management, Supply Chain Management, Telecom Management