Volume 6, Issue 2 (2022)

3D Graph Visualization Performance using Physical Engine

Author(s): Alexander BREZÁNI, Michal ZÁBOVSKÝ

The visualization of complex data is one of the most challenging tasks of exploratory data analysis. Linked data are usually visualized as complex graphs or networks. Due to the complexity of data, 2D projection based only on x and y coordinates is complicated and does not allow natural interaction mechanism for additional data examination. 3D visualization uses additional z dimension but requires some level of interaction and camera movement to reveal occluded data. In this paper we are presenting 3D visualization approach based on physical engine provided by Unity game engine to respect requirements for interaction, camera movement, and use of physical forces for data spatialization. We will show advantages of this approach together with limitations based on game engine adaptation for 3D graph visualization.
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Development of Computer Assisted Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Author(s): Miriam FANDÁKOVÁ, Katarína ZÁBOVSKÁ, Boris BUČKO

In the last decade, the term "virtual" appears not only in many branches of industry but has become a common part of life. It represents something that is created using a computer, looks realistic, but does not exist in the physical world. Examples are various scientific simulations, training, but also cinematography or the game industry. Gradual development enabled the creation of a virtual environment called CAVE. In this article, we discuss the development of our computer assisted virtual environment solution.
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Computer Assisted Exercises in Crisis Management

Author(s): Michaela JÁNOŠÍKOVÁ, Boris BUČKO, Katarína ZÁBOVSKÁ

Training of crisis management personnel is one of the most significant areas of Crisis Management. The use of various information technologies is one of the possible ways of supporting the training of crisis management personnel. Modelling and simulation are used as support decision-making tools in many areas. This article is focused on a description of simulation, as a one of the possible ways of support the training in crisis management, where we focus on use of Computer Assisted Exercises in the preparation of experts in crisis management. At the end of the article is given a concrete example of the use of Computer Assisted Exercises in training cooperation of the designated components of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic with the management elements of the departments of the Slovak Ministries.
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